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Instrument panel, 1935.jpg

The cockpit was, according to Amelia, 4'8" high, 4'6" wide, and 4'6" fore and aft.


"I do not think one is ever confident. One makes preparations and takes every precaution possible, but one is never sure. You can at least hope, and that is about all you can do. There is always the hope."

A pilot hatch existed above the pilot's seat (left side) which was to be used in case of emergencies. Amelia used it to enter and exit her plane; it was easier than climbing over the gas tanks!

Erleben Sie Geschichte wie nie zuvor. Erleben Sie einen der letzten erhaltenen Lockheed Electra 10As aus nächster Nähe! Hier bei Electra-fying ist es unser Ziel, diejenigen aufzuklären, die mehr über die Electra, die Luftfahrt der 1930er und Amelia Earhart erfahren möchten.

Based out of Topeka, Kansas.

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