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Amelia received her Electra on July 24, 1936. She removed the passenger seats, installing extra fuel tanks for the grueling flight ahead.

New fuel tanks gave the Electra a total of 1,150 gallons, increasing the total range as well as the weight. At its full capacity, NR16020 was roughly 15,000 lbs., two or three times over the normal weight limit!

Two tanks forward of the Electra's main beam each held 118 gallons of fuel. 

Behind the main beam, five shorter tanks held a total of 574 gallons. Three tanks held 149 gal., one a 70 gal., and one at 57 gal.

Each wing held three fuel tanks: 16 gal., 81 gal., and 100 gallons. 

Erleben Sie Geschichte wie nie zuvor. Erleben Sie einen der letzten erhaltenen Lockheed Electra 10As aus nächster Nähe! Hier bei Electra-fying ist es unser Ziel, diejenigen aufzuklären, die mehr über die Electra, die Luftfahrt der 1930er und Amelia Earhart erfahren möchten.

Based out of Topeka, Kansas.

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